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"The marihuana user, freed from the restraint of gravitation, bumps his head against the sky. Street lights become orangoutangs [sic] with eyes of fire. Huge slimy snakes crawl through small cracks in the sidewalk, and prehistoric monsters, intent on his destruction, emerge from keyholes, and pursue him down the street. He feels squirrels walking over his back, while he is being pelted by some unseen enemy with lightning bolts. He will thrill you with the most plausible accounts of desperadoes who lurk in the doorway ahead, waiting with long, sharp knives to pounce on him and carve him to pieces."

Source: On the Trail of Marihuana the Weed of Madness by Earle Albert Rowell & Robert Rowell, Pacific Press Publishing, 1939, pp.66-7



"Not only are moral inhibitions removed and the Ten Commandments abolished in the mind from the confirmed marihuana user, but a positive conviction is added that it is right to steal, commit rape and murder, and that it is actually wrong not to do these horrible things."

Source: On the Trail of Marihuana the Weed of Madness by Earle Albert Rowell & Robert Rowell, Pacific Press Publishing, 1939, p. 67




"Marihuana is sometimes used as a means to white slavery. While we were lecturing in the smaller towns around a large Midwestern city recently, we heard repeated rumors of girls' having mysteriously disappeared. It was feared they were in the metropolis, the victims of white slavers. Frantic mothers, whose daughters had disappeared, told the sheriff strange stories of rumors connected with marihuana. One Saturday night, accompanied by a squad of deputies, the sheriff raided the disreputable houses of the city, and found some of the missing girls 'working' there. Almost without exception, their stories revealed marihuana as the bait and cause of their downfall."

Source: On the Trail of Marihuana the Weed of Madness by Earle Albert Rowell & Robert Rowell, Pacific Press Publishing, 1939, p. 56




"The first marihuana cigarette smoked for a thrill or on a dare or for curiosity's sake may make the victim susceptible to any suggestion no matter how absurd, criminal or vile. Girls of prominent families, while under the influence of marihuana, have been vulgarly photographed and then blackmailed."

Source: On the Trail of Marihuana the Weed of Madness by Earle Albert Rowell & Robert Rowell, Pacific Press Publishing, 1939, p. 56


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